Saturday 18 January 2014

Hook & Dale

WeBS count at Hook today was hard work due to a) SE wind at the mouth of Sprinkle Pill, b) showers just when I didn't need them, c) very slippery underfoot (never been so pleased to see a road at the end) and d) getting my car stuck in the mud.  However, how can you not enjoy this place with so many birds on offer?  With 4,637 birds logged on the WeBS return, main species were Golden Plover (est 1,700), Lapwing (1,466 or so) and Teal (761 - sadly could not find a drake with the magical vertical white stripe).  No Black-tailed Godwits or Pintail though.

Quick trip to Dale late afternoon to check the gull roost, not many birds at all, but still 10 Med Gulls (9 adults and 1 2CY), and a group of 8 Ringed Plover narrowly avoided the attentions of a Peregrine on the beach right in front of me.  Have included 2 nice flight photos taken at Newgale yesterday by Mashuq Ahmad; juvenile Iceland Gull and adult Kumlien's Gull, both of which were enticed in to the mouth of Brandy Brook by 3 loaves of the finest Wholemeal Lidl have on offer.