Sunday, 28 December 2014

Carmarthen Bay & Llys-y-fran

Went on a scoter hunt early afternoon, started at Wiseman's Bridge and checked all points east as far as Marros Sands (I 'scoped as far as Ragwen Point).  Perhaps 600-800 Common Scoter scattered around in small flocks, nearly all in Carmarthenshire.  On the coast path close to Marros I could hear some of the closer scoter calling to each other - the only place I've ever heard them.  A nice pair of Red-breasted Merganser, and at least 40+ each of Red-throated Diver and Great-crested Grebe.  Will check back again later in the winter as there has to be a Surf Scoter out there somewhere!

On to Llys-y-fran (via Wiston where a Red Kite circled over the village) where a sizeable gull roost formed until my fingers froze just before dark.  The usual adult Ring-billed Gull was easily found, also present a 1CY Yellow-legged Gull, a 1CY Mediterranean Gull, 3 Great Black-backed Gulls, around 10 Common Gulls, perhaps 800 Black-headed Gulls, 800+ Herring Gulls and 1,500+ Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  Also a Greylag Goose in amongst c.350 Canada Geese, a pair of Goosander, 20 Teal, 7 Wigeon, 2 Great-crested & 1 Little Grebe.  Brian S earlier had 2 Peregrines at the reservoir.