The beauty below was scratching away at a coastal site today. It was really close till I got the camera out. Sigh....
Thursday, 17 March 2016
More on Dartfords
To pick up on Paul's post below, it seems that there's a possibility of seeing a burgeoning Dartford population this year. This may be due to some recovery from the harsh winter of two years ago along with the clear influx last autumn (resulting in at least one island record) and supported by this relatively mild winter. Whatever the possible reasons, a couple of records from new areas have already come in to the blog and I would urge observers to keep a weather eye out for this species and send in your sightings from new and traditional sites. There's no time for a formal survey now this year but I'll try to put together any records received and share them with the appropriate authorities. Thanks to those who've sent in records.
The beauty below was scratching away at a coastal site today. It was really close till I got the camera out. Sigh....
The beauty below was scratching away at a coastal site today. It was really close till I got the camera out. Sigh....