Apologies for a lack of posts from us, we've been busy getting things up and running and finishing the Annual Report 2015. If you would like to download the report (for FREE), it's available here:
Bird wise it has been a varied couple of weeks on the Island. The first Wheatear didn't arrive until yesterday, but there are at least six today. There have been two Black Redstart and a smattering of Chiffchaffs including the first few with pollen horns (suggesting that they have come from warmer climes). There was a little bit of Meadow Pipit and finch passage, bringing with it regular sightings of Merlin and the first Sparrowhawk yesterday. A White Wagtail was briefly at the Lighthouse and there was a very interesting 'grey and white' continental-type Song Thrush in with the Fieldfares and Redwings. There are a few Puffins now rafting with the thousands of Guillemots and Razorbills. Highlight of the period was a ROOK, an Island tick for me.