Monday, 26 September 2016

That April colour-ringed osprey on Milford Haven Waterway

Back in mid-April a colour-ringed osprey was photographed with a fish on Milford Haven waterway, near Neyland (photos in the April Blog report had been forwarded by Lynne Houlston). This bird had been ringed as nestling on 2nd July 2008 at Loch Ard Forest, Stirling, Scotland.

Back in mid April, was this adult still on its way back to Scotland at the time, or was it likely to be breeding somewhere else?

Much more recently in Sept, a colour-ringed juvenile black-headed Gull was recorded at Pembroke Millpond (reported on the Blog a week or so ago). The origin of this bird is still to be determined but two of the digits on the ring are similar to those on colour-rings recorded on two adults at the Millpond a couple or so years ago. So, most likely the Millpond juv will have been ringed (like the other two were) in Poland - awaiting confirmation.