Saturday, 4 November 2017

Castlemartin Corse - 6 Whoopers!

The Corse coming alive at last. As I dropped down towards the hide from the top track I could see there were lots more ducks, plus a greylag...and a solitary whooper swan. Duck numbers - around 100 teal, 40 wigeon, 20 mallard, 12 shoveler. Lots of snipe as usual, and around 300 lapwing. 

I watched the whooper as it swam around in front of the hide, whooping quietly to itself  (Cetti's and water rails audible in the background), then it took off and flew west before circling back in a wide arc and dropping back onto the open water. Half an hour later as I was walking back towards Starman's Hall, to its and my great joy, 5 more flew in from the west to join it. Had it been looking for them? I took this very poor record shot from the hide with my phone before they arrived.

The female sparrowhawk flew past the hide on her usual beat, pausing on the fencepost as in Rob's picture the other day. A female merlin hunted down the Corse, pausing on fenceposts...and a peregrine flew over, high, doing a steep dive from south to north. There was a buzzard at the Starman's Hall end. I didn't see the black redstart today.