Friday, 10 November 2017


From Graham Stephens - Thursday: The Bar-headed goose is still with the Canada flock which has currently taken up residence at Llangwm Ferry and Llangwm Pill. I counted over 250 Canadas this morning as they swam past the house at first light and 190+ this evening around 4.30 as the light was fading. They fly off to feed in local stubble fields for the morning but return early afternoon and stay overnight. Also noted between Black Tar and Ferry Bay at 4.30 were:
Blackwits - 4 (12 earlier today)
Lapwing - 36
Dunlin - 74
Redshank - 1 (far more usually present but probably in Llangwm Pill at low water 4.30pm)
Greenshank - 3
Little Egret - 2
Mallard - 5
Mute swan - 2
Kingfisher - 1