Missed Richard C at the Corse this morning, though I ran into Rob Lewis and his friend Adam. Yesterday, Rob and Christine saw two female marsh harriers, a sparrowhawk and a short-eared owl, and Rob and Adam had already seen one harrier twice by the time I met up with them. I left them in the hide, so they probably saw the harrier again after I left, this is what normally happens.
As Richard says, there were no duck to be seen (Rob saw mallard and teal yesterday), though there were 42 greylags on the wet fields upstream of the clump of black pines (plus some curlew and black-tailed godwit). As well as the golden plover at Starman's Hall (I also got about 120), another 600 or so flew over very high in straggly V-formations. 3 buzzards including the very pale individual who has been around for at least 3 years.
Noticeable on the farm fields was an influx of fieldfares - a few by Starmans, but a lot more on the fields near the Gupton farm buildings, probably 100 or so. A finch flock around the feeding cattle were, I think, all chaffinches.