Friday 30 March 2018

Teifi Marshes this afternoon

It was nice to hear the two singing willow warblers (already reported by Richard D earlier in the day) during one of out rare visits to a quite a busy Teifi Marshes this afternoon.

As well as several singing chiffchaffs, there seemed to be a nice passage of sand martins through the Kingfisher pool area. During about an hour or so we might have seen in excess of a hundred or so -  flocks ranging from just a few to 20+. A single swallow was noted during the early period of our watch but we couldn't spot any others.

The 4 black-tailed godwits (one more or less in summer plumage) were still feeding on the Teifi shore opposite the Curlew Hide. Despite the generally dull, cold weather, it was quite a good Friday for some migrant activity anyway.
A ringed chiffchaff - not enough digits visible to read; one presumably ringed by Teifi RG 

Male reed bunting almost in full breeding plumage - one of several seen today