A walk from Freshwater West to West Angle was generally fairly quiet for migrants and resident species, apart from a flock of 23 Sandwich Terns feeding with several gannets in the sandy bay at Fresh West. Quite a large migrating flock here for the time of year?
A non-breeding flock of 13 choughs was heading towards Fresh West at the Black Cave area. Resident choughs were at expected locations, including a colour-ringed female (ringed in Ceredigion in 2015). Although paired up with a male there has been little evidence of a breeding attempt this year. She was also at the same location last year so hopefully breeding will be successful next year.
Good numbers of linnets and whitethroats noted but stonechat numbers seemed to be lower than last year when at least 12 territories were occupied at the same time of year. Today only 6 were confirmed - perhaps just a later breeding season?
There was no sign of any kestrel activity along this coast during c.3 hours of observation.