Wednesday, 11 July 2018

The Gann

A trickle of birds over the last seven days or so, 3 Kittiwakes, an adult Med Gull & one of those "Yellow legged" Herring Gull hybrids were the only interest.
In the past couple of days there's been a striking male Blackbird with a white head & various white bits & pieces that had me going for a few moments as it flew past me!
This evening 7 Redshank, 11 Dunlin, 2 Blackwits looking very orange in the sunlight, 1 Greenshank, Single Whimbrel calling & some 40 BHGs  about 10 of which were juvs.
Water levels are very low with the islands looking much larger than normal & the area in front of Crabhall dried out completely.