The UK Tawny Owl population appears to be in decline and the species has been moved to the “Amber List of Birds of Conservation Concern”.
More data is needed to determine what is going on and so the BTO has launched a new national Tawny Owl study. A key component of this is the recently launched Tawny Owl Calling Survey.
It is really easy to contribute to and as many volunteers as possible are needed. The survey runs through until the end of March 2019, so you can participate at any time.
By taking part you'll help to increase our understanding of Tawny Owl calling behaviour and distribution, particularly focusing on potential impacts such as urbanisation and artificial lighting.
All you have to do is to listen for calling Tawny Owls from places you visit regularly (e.g. your own garden, a local park or piece of woodland). You can listen from pretty much anywhere you like for 20 minutes one evening a week, from now until 31 March 2019. With a window open, you can even participate from the comfort of your bed!
You don’t have to commit to listening every week, but you will be providing valuable information by recording for as many weeks as you can.
Records from sites where no owls are heard are just as important as those where owls are heard. Be a zero hero.