Tuesday 27 November 2018

A very belated report of an Ortolan Bunting

Today Annie noticed an email on a site she rarely gets messages sent to. It was from Jean Dovey up near Llanfyrnach. Jean had managed to photograph an "unfamiliar bird" in her garden through the kitchen window on October 6th (yes it was a while ago we know!). 
She didn't want to frighten the bird off and so the photos were taken through a closed window. The bird in question was an Ortolan bunting - one she was exceedingly lucky to see and photograph. It probably left after a few minutes and so it might never have been seen at all!
Annie has been in touch with Jean about the record, which will be a nice one for the county (following on from one reported by Brian at Marloes on 30th Sept). 
It also illustrates the value of taking a photo of something unfamiliar. We're just so very sorry that we didn't see your email earlier Jean - humble apologies!