Tuesday 27 November 2018

Bosherston Lakes briefly

Following a very wet morning indoors we decided to have a short stroll up Bosherston Lakes Eastern Arm this afternoon. Goosanders numbered about a dozen or so but they were quite scattered above and below the 8-Arch Bridge. A couple of immature tufted ducks and a female goldeneye were opposite the boat house hide where a kingfisher made a brief fly-past. Small flocks of snipe were leaving the shore near the reedbed - we recorded at least 31 but there were probably more.

A resting female goosander near the 8 Arch Bridge
At least one firecrest (probably 2) was feeding in the lake-side Holm oaks, not far up from the 8-Arch Bridge, this being a very typical location for firecrests at this time of year. We looked for, but didn't see, a black redstart on the Stackpole Centre roof-tops. It wouldn't be surprising if there was one there somewhere though.