Quite exciting on the wader front late afternoon. At the back of the top end of the lagoon, a single flock of 53 Redshank, 21 Black-tailed Godwits (mostly juvs) & 3 Dunlin (2 adults & a juv). They seemed to have dropped in during a heavy squall, and had departed not long after it cleared. With an additional 6 Redshank in the usual places around the islands, the total of 59 is easily the largest number I have ever seen here. Biggest count for some time?
Also 7 Sanderling, 34 Ringed Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper, 3 Greenshank and 3 Whimbrel. Amongst the Curlew were colour ringed birds 06, 08 & 17. 2 Little Egrets & 2 (possibly 3) Grey Herons also on the lagoon. (Dave & Lisa)