Sunday, 22 September 2019

Sightings from regular visitor Ian Smith: 

Dale Airfield with Dotterel and Derek c4.30 Saturday 21st
Two 'groupings' of waders totalling 8 Dunlin and at least 21 Ringed Plover.  4 Wheatears and perhaps 5 White wags.  No Pied.
Earlier on The Gann (pool) 2 Greenshank and 11 Redshank on pool.  4 Little Grebe and Little Egret.
 On the Beach: 5 Dunlin, 5 Ringed Plover and 1 Sanderling all together with usual 2 Barwits out with the Curlews.

Parrog mud flats (from 11:25) up to 2pm on Sunday 22nd
43 Curlew 1 Whimbrel heard only 1 Juv Curlew Sandpiper ( lost all old Tertials on right side and growing new )2nd Juv Curlew Sand  appeared with more Dunlin and Ringed Plover around 1:20pm, 18 +5 Dunlin 26 + 27 Ringed Plover 4 Oystercatcher 1 Barwit 1 Greenshank 12 Teal 8 Wigeon (3m)Med Gull 1cy + adult
Single pulse of Hirundines flying SE at 11.40 30 Swallows and 40 House Martins.
Heavy showers throughout most of visit.
Common Darter pair in cop (mobbed by Holly Blue) plus single.

Gann Estuary c4.30

2 Greenshank

3 Barwits feeding together
1 adult Knot roosting
5 Med Gulls

Plenty of ringed Oystercatchers to record, if one has the right camera to freeze the view of the legs.