Monday 4 November 2019

Castlemartin Corse

Water levels still holding up, for now....lots of snipe, even a few teal. 2 female marsh harriers, presumably Richard C's 2 from yesterday - neither was the dark female/imm. I saw there 11 days ago, so that makes at least 3 in recent days. A female merlin dashed along the far side of the reedbed, buzzard over the fields and a hovering kestrel over the Gupton gate onto the Range made it a 4-raptor morning. Cetti's at 12 o'clock to the hide, water rail squealing nearby though only moorhens showing themselves. 2 chough overhead. Record shot of one of the harriers:

Tuesday update: 2 little grebes diving in front of the hide, 24 greylags on the wet meadows upstream.