Monday, 30 December 2019

St David’s peninsular

A circular walk out from St David’s to St Non’s, and round to Whitesands today was notable for the lack of birds.
I put this down at least in part to the persistent Southerly winds of late: the South coast was especially barren, save for a pair of Peregrines over Porth Clais. And a ringtail Hen Harrier just out of Solva.
Things got a bit better as we headed North, with a Great Northern Diver at St Justinian’s, and a Red-throated Diver at Porthselau.
But only two Stonechats seen in over 4 hours, and a couple of Dunnocks.
The oddest sights were two Herons separately flying far out to sea, mobbed by gulls.
Best bit was a nice flock of mixed smaller gulls dip feeding north of Ramsey: perhaps 100+ each Kittiwakes and Black-headed Gulls, and a dozen Med Gulls.
But, overall, a real lack of birds, especially passerines.