A bonanza of ringed birds. 2 Ad Herring Gulls - Blue BHS, the most regular of the residents, & Black T7VH from the Isle of Man. 3 Meds (from 10+birds) - Red ZAH8, a 1st W from the Czech Republic, & 2 Ads with White rings, which I may not have read accurately due to mud, from the Dutch/Belgian scheme. Finally Common Gull Green J3M6, the most frequently seen of the wintering Norwegian birds.
Also a pair of Goosanders, a Greenshank, 10 Redshanks (a lot for Winter). Another birder had seen the Water Pipit & the Common Sandpiper was there yesterday.
(& on Rosemary's Stonechat post - one has been on the roof of the lifeguard building at Newport main beach several times recently).