Saturday, 4 January 2020

A new Ring-billed Gull - Gann

A 2CY (2nd calendar year = first-winter) Ring-billed Gull late afternoon at the Gann.  It was on the beach with Black-headed & Common Gulls around 4.15-4.30, and then flew & landed on the water and then joined the larger gull roost further out in the bay.  Derek just arrived in time to see it on the water.

Ring-billed Gull (left) with 2 Common Gulls (& a Carrion Crow)

At least 9 different Mediterranean Gulls at the Gann today (5 adults, 2 3CY, 2 2CY).

Earlier, a smart female Merlin was terrorising the small birds at West Hook Farm during our NT winter farmland bird survey.  We had a look at Marloes Mere: the 1st winter male Scaup still there with 11 Tufted Ducks but no sign of the Ring-necked Duck.  Red Kite & Hen Harrier (briefly).  (Dave & Lisa)