Saturday, 4 January 2020

Ring-billed gull, still Llys-y-fran

Near perfect viewing conditions. Overcast with a nice gentle breeze resulted in the gulls all facing the same way and side on. No bankside disturbance so most of the gulls were relatively close. The roost was well spread so trying to cover them involved quite a bit of walking up and down. Rough estimate from a quick sweep was around 4500 gulls. Lots of BH gulls, fewer LBB than I'm used to seeing, probably still more yet to arrive after heavy drizzle sent me packing.

The pick was the adult Ring-billed gull, sleeping as usual but just lifted its head very briefly.
6 Yellow-legged gulls (5 adult and a 3 cy), 12 Mediterranean gulls (10 adults, 2 first winter/2cy), 25 Common gull (all adults except 2 2cy), 2 2cy GBB. 17 Great-crested grebe, 9 Goldeneye (5m, 4 f) and 1 Little grebe.