Thanks to Andy Sims, David Ord, & Paul Mahiques for more or less simultaneous messages about the
Common Swift at Marloes Mere. We saw it as as soon as we arrived around 2.30pm, and it was still present when we left at 3.20pm. It favoured the field between the car park and the Mere, and the track to the Oriole (northern) hide whilst we were there. Whilst there was hope it might be a rarer swift, given the time of year, all the features point to Common Swift.
There surely can't be many UK records of Common Swift in January?
Birds of Pembrokeshire (Donovan & Rees) quotes records from 14th April to 28th October (Skokholm, 1976).
Later at the Gann, the
Brent Geese were back & up to 20 (all Angle birds?) and there were 9
Mediterranean Gulls (5 adults, 4 2CY). (Dave & Lisa)
Low light & a speeding bird made photography impossible! |