Two visits on the trot. Saturday: Ring-billed gull, 4 Yellow-legged gulls (4 adults, also a probable 2cy) among an early forming roost of c2,000 mostly LBB gulls (only a handful of small gulls), 3f Goldeneye and a 'red-headed' Goosander. 40mph winds hammering across the reservoir with heavy rain at times.
Today (Sunday): Joined by Paul G, and Paul M and his friend. A real contrast in weather and gull numbers. Almost windless at times with millpond like conditions at dusk, even blue skies for a while. The Ring-billed gull arrived at 4pm, had a quick nap and then at 4:15 headed NE giving lovely flight views as it flew up the reservoir, eventually returning at 5:15pm and as is usually the case immediately settled down to roost. Gull-wise it was pretty poor 4 GBB (2adult, 2 2cy), 3 Common gull the pick of a really small roost c200-300 gulls. We stayed till dark but nothing more came in apart from 20 Greylags. Other birds min 16 GC grebe, many pairing up and displaying, 7 Goldeneye (4m) and a lone Little grebe.