Tuesday, 3 March 2020


A lovely walk over the Gann with the Skokholm wardens this evening.

Signs that things are changing as spring gets going, 1 Ruff, 2 Dunlin, 3 Mallard & 6 Canada Geese were all on the lagoon and not birds regularly seen this winter here.  A single Slavonian Grebe was out in the bay.

Fun was had with the gulls, perhaps 25 Mediterranean Gulls included a green-ringed bird (ALAJ) which is from Germany.  3 colour-ringed Common Gulls were nice, if a little frustrating.  White ringed JJ924 was ringed as a chick in Norway last year and is the first resighting.  Another white ringed (adult) appeared to read C1P but a slightly damaged ring must be missing the first digit as the code doesn't match anything we can find.  Finally, a green-ringed bird looked as if it was J8UT but we couldn't be 100% (interestingly I recorded J6U7 on 12th Feb...).

(Dave, Richard & Giselle)