Thursday 2 April 2020


Recent highlights include the (a) female Ruff on the lagoon, joined by a Knot yesterday (still present today) and a single Dunlin which seems to think it is a Redshank (it has been hanging around with them for a while now).  One of the three remaining Greenshank has almost fully acquired its breeding plumage, hopefully I can get closer to it before it departs but for now this gives you an idea:

The Wigeon have nearly all gone, for several days a male with 2 females was all that was left, this evening just a lone female.  Teal also hang on, perhaps 6 or so remaining.  Shelduck have peaked at 8, and their behaviour and calls have been a real heart-warmer.  The pale-bellied Brent Geese come and go (presumably between here and Angle, and here and far flung destinations north and west), today there were 8 this evening, none this morning, and 13 yesterday.

Lisa had 8 Chough fly over the house this morning, I think the most we have seen here before is 3, and we haven't recorded one for months.

On the gull front Common Gulls are still here in good numbers, maybe 200 or so, and amongst them a smaller number of Black-headed (perhaps 50 odd) and Mediterranean Gulls (3 yesterday, 2 today, all 2CY birds). In amongst the Common Gulls yesterday evening was this bird, as you can see it was a long way off but clearly appeared to have a yellow iris, a distinctly ringed bill (although not the chunkiest), pale mantle and was larger & chunkier than all the nearby Common Gulls....looks like an adult Ring-billed Gull but I would have liked better views, and to have seen the open wing.