Thursday, 23 April 2020

Martin's Haven: Subalpine Warbler

A cracking start to the day, with several dozen Wheatears still around, and a flock of 10+ House Martins feeding quietly before moving on.

No birds in the sallows, so I went to look at the massive patch of Blackthorn just behind the Skomer MNR and toilets. This is in flower, and was lifting with Blackcaps, feeding on the St John's flies (bibio sp.). There were also over a dozen hawking Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs, both occasionally singing, and a Sedge Warbler.

Amongst this massive crowd (easily 30+Blackcaps) was a smaller warbler feeding quietly at the edges. An urgent phone call to the cottage (just amazed I got signal!), and a camera and scope arrived. I re-found the warbler and got some pictures: a male Subalpine Warbler, and looks good for an Eastern bird; very happy to be corrected on the ID. My first ever in the UK: thrilled!