Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Martin’s Haven

The migration is coming in fits and starts out here, depending on the speed and direction of the wind. Today started very slowly, with a stiff North-Easterly, and just a handful of early Swallows. There seemed to have been a clear-out in the sallows, with only a single singing Willow Warbler. And two westward-heading Whimbrel.

But things picked up mid-morning, with a fall of Wheatears, predominantly Greenland-types. The NT Car Park field had at least 20 birds by lunchtime, mainly males. And as many again in the garden, on our roof, and on the Deer Park: a lovely sight (and sound).

This evening we had a group of Swallows and martins feed along the valley for half an hour or so: perhaps a dozen birds in total, including at least one each House and Sand Martin.

Still regular views of Kestrels, and the occasional Peregrine.