I had taken today off work today, and after a morning catching up on paperwork followed by lunch, I headed on my now almost daily circuit of the Gann from the house, timing it to make the best (I hoped) of the incoming tide. A food-carrying Rock Pipit distracted me for a few minutes, but soon I was distracted by the large group of small waders on the beach. I quickly picked up a smart moulting adult Curlew Sandpiper in amongst the throng of Dunlin and scattered Ringed Plover:
Only the second spring record I've ever had in Pembrokeshire, so it got me on the 'phone to Lisa straight away - but she didn't pick up as she was working and on another call. The flock lifted off the beach and flew around the lagoon a few times before finally settling at the top end, not far from where the river flows out. 'Scopable from the house so a house tick was on the cards here! I got as close as I dared and set the 'scope up, soon picking up a smart Sanderling amongst the flock - another potential house tick! And then I stumbled across a Golden Plover and immediately alarm bells were ringing.... This looks a bit small. And a bit leggy. And long-winged. And a smart white supercilium. And it's got quite grey tones on the upperparts. And the black feather coming through on the underparts - there's some black on the flanks and undertail. Surely an American Golden Plover! And so it proved to be, later showing off it's grey-brown underwing (axilliaries) and a lovely clear disyllabic clu-ee call. Showed rather well too!
Within the wader flock (which numbered around 170 Dunlin and 40+ Ringed Plover) there was a colour-ringed Dunlin, and a colour-ringed/flagged Ringed Plover), which by some fluke I managed to get in one photo:
And to cap it all, a female type Marsh Harrier went north up the valley, in amongst all the chaos! I need a lie down....