Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Abereiddy Warblers

Info received via e mail - I walked down to Abereiddy yesterday and sat on the footpath to the back of the houses and I faced the reed bed ,I was sat there for 30 mins watching whitethroats and sedge warbler families when it got a bit  hectic as a lesser Whitethroat appeared in front of me  and then  a calling grasshopper warbler at the top of a separate  Hawthorne bush then a cetti s warbler darted into the same bush and creeped out on to the top before flying off.

  I also got  Reed warbler ,williow warbler ,chiffchaff,Reed bunting  and garden warbler in that area. I then noticed a bigger warbler further back in the reeds which was perched but it had its back to me it then turned around and started doing  a very deap reeling call and had a very clear white throat I’m presuming it could be a Savis warbler but wasn’t sure.  I’ve seen them before in Suffolk once but didn’t have great views of them the the call sounded the same but thought I’d  just check and let you know in case there’s any birders local that could check it out.