A few sightings over the last few days...
Waders are beginning to return, Curlew up to 21 today, a Redshank yesterday, a Knot on Sunday following the 2 Avocet present on Thurs evening for c4hours feeding only on the Ceredigion shore. Common Sandpipers are heard on visits to the reserve.
At least 3 Teal have arrived and are often with the c60 Black-headed Gulls feeding on the reserve mud at low tide.
At least 30 adult Shelduck feed in the main estuary and at least 6 pairs have had young. Most have been eating by Gulls, and mainly Lesser Black-backs are doing the attacking. At least 3 pairs currently have some young.
Juveniles of Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Reed Bunting and Kingfisher are now feeding around the hides and ponds.
(sev obs)