Highlights of the past week have included regular Little Egrets (most we have seen has been 6, Derek had 11 one morning), single Common Sandpiper (26th), Whimbrel (27th) and Greenshank (several dates), just 4 Dunlin (25th) and 2 Ringed Plover (also 25th).
Mediterranean Gulls have been recorded 3 times, with 2 2CY birds on evening of 24th (so different to Derek's 2 adults on the morning of 25th), 4 adults (26th) and 2 2CY and 1 adult (27th) so birds clearly on the move. Black-headed Gulls peaked at 16 on 26th, and included 1 juvenile that day (same date as the Teifi).
Curlew have been building: a regular 10-12 rose to 38 on 24th, 48 on 26th and 62 today, 5 of which were ringed (all rings successfully read). Not a good breeding season, or all non-breeders? The ringing data will be interesting (and with birds 06 & 08 amongst the rings read presumably does include known adults). 5 Lapwing flew over the saltmarsh today (all adults, of course).
The "Gann 2" (Shelduck chicks) are now over 3 weeks old and doing well it seems. Reed Warblers are taking food to unseen nests - there are at least 6 territories between the reeds at Crabhall and the Jubilee end of the lagoon.
2 singing male Yellowhammers were recorded from a bike ride on 25th, one at Hasguard Cross (heard a few times this year) and another near Broad Haven at Castle High.