Sunday 5 July 2020

The Teifi

White 3PR8 the 2nd year Mediterranean Gull seen yesterday was ringed as a chick in an island colony in the Ijsselmeer, North Holland  - 21/6/2019. The first sighting since ringing.

46 Med Gulls this morning and c26 this evening roosting at The Webley. None appeared to be colour-ringed though a couple of Gulls with only metal rings. An adult Sandwich Tern graced the flock this morning, and 152 Black-headed Gulls this evening was the higher count today, but only 2 juveniles still.
Due to the high river levels - (heavy rain in mid Wales yesterday) the Curlew and Oystercatchers are roosting in clifftop fields, so only 4 Dunlin and 2 Black-tailed Godwits to be found on the spit.