Sunday, 9 August 2020

Pembrokeshire Avifauna - new look

The Pembrokeshire Avifauna has been completely revamped and moved to a new home over the past few months.

It is, as ever, an on-going project.  Hopefully, we've got rid of most of the annoying typos that plagued the old version.  If you do come across any typos, errors or omissions, please let me know.  And if you haven't looked at it lately, you should now find a selection of new posts - with more to come.

The maps for the 2003-07 atlas have been replaced with new ones provided by the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre, and the 1984-88 maps will similarly be replaced sometime soon.

Records of rare and scarce species have been pulled out of the bird reports so you can see more easily how often each species is seen, and get an idea of where to look for them.

If anyone wants to write new material - for example, movements of ringed birds - where our birds are going to, or where colour-marked birds are coming from - such articles will be most welcome.

Suggestions for what to put on a 'Links' page (and why) will also be helpful.