Sunday, 9 August 2020

The Gann

I was originally heading to Marloes Mere but the amount of traffic coming from that direction had me diverting to the Gann earlier than I intended. Tide was pretty low so I was at least able to check along the river and the saltmarsh. On the pools: Kingfisher, 2 Common sandpiper, 3 Greenshank, 3 Redshank and a juv Med gull. On the foreshore: 18 Black-tailed godwits, 14 bathing were joined by another 4 that flew in calling before all of them flew up to the saltmarsh. Single Whimbrel. 13 Dunlin and 9 Ringed plover. 3 Snipe stopped briefly and had a feed before taking flight. A quick look at the mere Common sandpiper calling and dozen Teal, met Derek who had a couple of Shoveler.