Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Buff-breasted Sandpiper(s)

A single Buff-breasted Sandpiper was in the field by Marloes Mere car park until at least 2pm today, with 14 Ringed Plover & 6 Dunlin.

Earlier, one had been seen flying towards Dale and it was perhaps this bird that I picked up at the Gann, in flight with a small mixed flock of Dunlin & Ringed Plover, at 15:40.  The flock disappeared over the ridge towards the lagoon, but could not be relocated.  A Gann tick for me: only taken 33 years!  The Osprey was seen today, but didn't see it this evening.  At least 71 Brent Geese still present, along with 2 Mediterranean Gulls (ad, 1CY) and at least a dozen White Wagtails and a single Wheatear.