Monday, 7 September 2020

Pied flycatcher, Dale airfield

A Pied flycatcher in the blackthorn scrub at the far end overlooking Marloes Sands this evening. It seemed to stake out bunches of blackberries and then snatch the bluebottles as they were drawn in, you could even hear the snapping of its beak at times. Otherwise, 3 Ringed plover, 3 Wheatear, 6 Pied wagtails in a recently muck-spread field and a Curlew. Must have been min 15 Stonechat scattered around the perimeter fences and gorse. The brassica fields looked promising but couldn't see anything in the more open patches among them. A couple of Chiffchaff (another in song) and a Blackcap in the ivy on the track up.