Thursday, 10 September 2020

The Gann (again)

 From Ian Smith - Returned to The Gann 18:25-20:40; Scanning south of bay for waders revealed: 

10 Brent Goose, 4 Sanderling, 2 Ringed Plover, 1 Knot and 7 Dunlin which later flew west (to Dale Airfield?) around 18:50.  Osprey yet again putting on good show.   Often hovering around Rivermouth and Lagoon before circling the whole bay, passing over Dale Fort FSC at 18:52 and reaching Dale beach before back tracking and going to roost (18:64) in open thick branched tree in woodland, approx below Point Farm.  Then - thankfully - Chris Holder reported 5 Glossy Ibis on shore towards north of bay.  Amazing what quite obvious birds one can miss when watching an Osprey!