Tuesday 10 November 2020

Hook, Sprinkle Yesterday

Around Hook to Sprinkle Pill on the ebb tide yesterday morning. High above the peninsula several thousand Golden Plover stacking like aircraft waiting for a space, but a few had run short of fuel and were on the small exposed areas on the Hook side along with 15 Redshank, some Dunlin (about 10), and 10-20 or so Lapwing. Towards Sprinkle Pill the Canadas passed back and forth from the Rhos side with splinters moving towards Little Milford. As we walked to Sprinkle the cacophony from the Llangwm side was clear. Hundreds of Canadas, Lapwing, Redshank, Golden Plovers, hundreds of Teal and Wigeon and on our side 45 Shelduck, many small flocks Redshank, Dunlin, 5 Greenshank. Then the landing stage was ready for the Golden Plovers, Fantastic! What a site. Scope, phone and me soaked, but brilliant day.

Dave Ramsey and  John Steer