Saturday 21 November 2020

Pen Beri Dowrog catch up.

I have been told by Rob Davies that Pen Beri pond has been hosting up to 20 Shoveller's recently. 

Not far away on Dowrog Common we arrived about an hour before sundown on Thursday, having blanked at Plumstone Mountain. 

As is most often the case a Kestrel was hovering towards the eastern edge of the common not far from the windmill. Far off to the west, I had tantalizing glimpses of what looked like a male Hen Harrier, quite high and drifting in towards Dowrog but it dipped down and was lost to view leaving me uncertain.

Scanning around I noticed the Kestrel drop down and then lift up onto the top of a dense bush where it proceeded to eat whatever it had caught,.a lovely female showing nicely in the lowering sun.

I was about to call it a day after a final scan when I noticed a pale grey male Hen Harrier wafting very low over to the South west probably the same one I thought I saw earlier, it drifted off towards the A487 (Fishguard to St Davids road.) disappearing from view. 

Back home I notice a face book posting by a friend  Victoria Nichols reporting a male Hen Harrier crossing the road at much the same time and place! Nice to have something in (and out)of common with Vicky!😊