Saturday, 5 December 2020

Whoopers, Marloes Mere

The 2 Whooper swans were feeding in the stubble field behind the Oriole Hide this evening, they flew onto the mere for a wash and brush up but were back in the stubbles by 4:30pm. Plenty of gulls here c400 Herring gulls, c100 BH gulls, 6 1cy GBB and just a couple of LBB, a single 1cy Med gull. The gulls, duck and starling flushed 3-4 times but couldn't see the culprit though I suspect the Ringtail hen harrier near Martins Haven had something to do with it. 4 Tufted duck (drake and 3 f/juv). 250 Lapwing in Trehills field. A noticeable absence of snipe at the mere and the walk across some pretty wet fields. Seemed to be Song thrush everywhere though.