Friday, 19 February 2021

Little Gull - Amroth

Made the effort to get down to Amroth late morning/early afternoon despite the rain to check through the gulls as I didn't get a chance to yesterday. The tide was high and gulls were mobile but there was a decent gathering by the outflow at the east side of Amroth. Mostly Black-headed Gulls but a 2CY Mediterranean Gull and a 2CY Kittiwake were nice to watch closely dip feeding in the surf. 

A quick glance out to sea and I immediately noticed a 2CY Little Gull flying in towards the beach. It flew west along the shore close in then turned south and headed out. Worth getting soaked for! 

Also I was sent the detail about the adult Black-headed Gull yellow 'TUCC' present at Amroth on the 15th and 16th Feb today. The bird was ringed as an adult in Lubczyna, NW Poland on 14/05/20, 1,316km away!