As usual for the time of year quite a bit of farming activity going on, some nice looking fields and hopefully there'll be a few more soonish. 4 Golden plover in an old potato field was a good start. 4 Wheatear. A good scattering of Pied wagtails, many young birds about 30 in total across a few fields. 100+ Linnet noisily chasing/avoiding a female Sparrowhawk. The field at the lighthouse that usually has cows (and Yellow wags) has the fence down, so no cows until fence repaired. There were a few Pied in there but grass is long.
The overgrown walled garden was buzzing, Whinchat, 2-3 Spotted flycatchers (favouring the elders), at least 3 really bright Willow warblers, Whitethroat, Garden warbler and a Great spotted woodpecker. I spent over an hour scanning from the slope, could have been anything in there. 2 Wheatear on the walls. Mill Bay was a bit quiet just a Willow warbler and a Little grebe on the pond. Couple of groups of chough (2 and 12). 20 Starling.Gann: much quieter than of late. 70 Curlew on the pools inc 3 red/green ringed birds but numbers on right leg not readable, 15 Redshank, 13 Dunlin, 4 Turnstone, 2 Greenshank, 2 Common sandpiper, a Whimbrel and a Black-tailed godwit. 5 Little egret, 2 Heron. 4 Little grebe on the pools were new (had been a single bird recently). The 3 Wheatear still around. 300+ Starling on the wires. A juv LBB in some difficulty in the pools as I was leaving, bit silhouetted but may have been oiled. Good to see Toby with mum and his brother.