Thursday, 26 August 2021

The Gann & Dale

 From Ian Smith - The Gann Estuary  09:50-16:50 and 16:50 - 18:35 Thursday 26th August.

Osprey 1 heading SW over lagoon with female Marsh Harrier at 10:15.  Osprey soon returned from south across the bay and stayed.  See Andy Simms detailed report on why Wales' premier viewing site for Osprey is now at The Gann!
Red Kite 2 spent most of day in area inc near Osprey.
At 15:25 a Marsh Harrier was flying high away from us westward over Crabhall Farm. Rear underside view only.
Buzzard 2
Peregrine 1
Curlew c120
Whimbrel 1
Lapwing 2
Oystercatcher not counted
Black-tailed Godwit 1
Redshank c24 including at least 3 with colour rings
Greenshank 8
Turnstone 5
Dunlin 11
Ringed Plover 4
Knot 1Juv
Wheatear 2
Rockit 3

Dale Airfield 16:50 - 18:35
Sparrowhawk 1 female
Wheatear 12 all over
Whinchat 2 east boundary fence
Dunnock 1
Stonechat 4
Linnet 12
Whitethroat 2
Chough 2
Raven 3
Odonata at pond... Lestes sponsa & Aeshna mixta
See British Dragonfly Society website.

Stoney field /previous cabbage field:-
Wheatear 6
Pied Wag 5
White Wag 6
Yellow Wag 3 very vocal
Ringed Plover 20 flew over NW 17:36
Golden Plover 7 flew over NW 18:03