Monday 13 December 2021

Angle Bay this afternoon

We visited Angle Bay this afternoon as the tide was ebbing, in rather wet and gloomy conditions. At the Rhoscrowther end there were good numbers of Ringed Plover (at least 75) and Turnstone (40+). Other waders included Dunlin (200+), Sanderling (3), Grey Plover (4) and Oystercatcher (c.45). A couple of adult pale-bellied Brent Geese were just offshore, but Wigeon numbers were lower than of late, probably only a couple of hundred were obvious, plus 2 Pintails (both females). It was difficult to see anything on the eastern side due to the constant drizzle, so some birds were probably missed. At least one Dunlin and a Turnstone were ringed with metal rings only, but these were impossible to read.

At Angle Harbour there were an additional 24 Brent Geese near the spit. Most were on the water and we could not see the legs of many of them, so could not confirm if any in the flock were ringed birds. Birds roosting on the spit included Oystercatcher (44),  Black-tailed Godwit (45) and Shelduck (8) with a similar number in the bay. There were a few Redshanks, Dunlin and Turnstones also roosting near the godwits plus a few Curlews. 

In late afternoon, several thousand Starlings flew over from the North Hill direction, heading south. On our way back via Freshwater West we were able to confirm that these birds were preparing to roost in the Castlemartin Corse reedbed; many were noisily gathering in the valley prior to roosting. A Merlin flew over the road at Fresh West, heading towards the Angle peninsula coast.