Sunday 12 December 2021

The ringed Brent Goose

The Brent Goose (white C - blue T) that I photographed on Thursday, and that Mike Davey photographed on Friday to complete the picture, was ringed at Strangford Loch in December 2008, and has since been recorded mainly there and in Tralee Bay on the west side of Ireland in winter.  It goes to Iceland in spring en route to Arctic Canada (probably).  This is the first time it has been recorded in Pembrokeshire.

In looking at the Brent Goose ringing data, and going back through the blog, it seems that we had quite a few sightings of 11 individual ringed geese between 2006 and 2018 (67 sightings reported to the Brent Goose ringing scheme), but none since then until this one.

It's always worth reporting a colour-ring sighting - sometimes you don't have all the colours or letters, but even a partial recording can sometimes provide useful information.  Or maybe it will encourage someone else to have a look and get more information - as with this goose which had one leg hidden behind a lump of mud in all the photos that I took.

Even if someone else has reported a particular bird, subsequent sightings give us information about how long it stays around a site - all winter, or is it just passing through, for example.
