Wednesday 29 December 2021

Gann and Marloes Mere

An afternoon to check a couple of spots started well enough with an adult Little gull, taking shelter on the pools at the Gann, with a mix of other gulls which included a couple of adult Meds. (Dave appeared on the opposite side and managed to get on it). 76 Wigeon, 30 Teal and a PB Brent. Flock of 500+ Lapwing (counted from a photo), 85 Curlew and a single Snipe above the marsh. Over at Marloes Mere, the Ringtail Hen harrier was hunting Trehills stubbles. Despite the amount of water duck numbers appeared low, 15 Shoveler, 10 Teal, 6 Wigeon, pair of Pintail and single female Tuftie. A squealing Water rail. I spent sometime grilling the large Chaffinch flock thats favouring the wildflower field just beyond the Britton Hide, just a couple of Linnet and a single Greenfinch for variety. 2 Red kite by Slatemill on the way home.