Wednesday 29 December 2021

Sandy Haven & Gann

A morning visit to Sandy Haven for gulls was not that productive, although 15 Mediterranean Gull (5 each of adult, 2CY & 1CY) was the highest there by some way in recent visits.  A decent flock of Lapwing using the sandbanks to roost numbered 316 birds.

Thanks to Brian I saw the smart adult Little Gull, and managed a couple of record shots before it flew off west towards Philbeach.  Around the same time a large flock of small gulls dropped in to bathe on the river above the footbridge, and amongst them were at least 20 Mediterranean Gull (19 adults, 1 2CY - a noticeably different age mix to Sandy Haven).  The Hooded Crow showed fairly well late afternoon, as did the Shag earlier in the day.  An impressive flock of Lapwing in the sandpit fields west of the saltmarsh, going to try to count them from photos - expecting it to be around 400!