Monday 20 December 2021

Out west

A nice afternoon out west began at Marloes Mere with 3 Tufted duck (1m) in the north irrigation pool, 2 Gadwall and 2 pairs of Pintail the pick of the waterfowl, 3 distant swans flying west over Trehill. A Ringtail Hen harrier was hunting over Trehills stubbles flushing lots of finches, thrushes and skylark. It was having a bit of a tussle with a pair of buzzards. 300 Lapwing down towards Martin's Haven. Flock of 100+ Chaffinch in the wildflower fields by the Britton Hide and a Kestrel. 

Over to a chilly Gann, a Water rail along the drain opposite the car park, 13 Little grebe on the pools. The Hooded crow was picking along the waters edge among the Common gulls and Oystercatchers. 144 Wigeon seemed a good count with a drake Shoveler with them. A poss YLG/Casp was bathing above the bridge but by the time I'd crossed over for a better look the large gulls had taken off towards St Ismaels. 6 Greenfinch along the river, the Gann appears to be a good area for them at the moment. Another Ringtail harrier was hunting over Mullock marsh putting up a few Snipe. 5 adult Med gulls. Male Kestrel by car park on my return. 13 Coot at Bicton Pools.