Monday 20 December 2021

Sandy Haven gull fest

Whilst driving from Dale to Milford I noticed a huge number of gulls in Sandy Haven pill opposite the chapel creek.  Donning my wellies I managed to get to a close enough viewing point to go through the gulls properly with the 'scope.  The vast majority were Herring Gulls, just a few Lesser and Great Black-backs.  A scattering of Black-headed and a handful of Common Gulls, and just a single Mediterranean Gull - a first year (1CY) which bore a red ring with white letters ZLF7: ringed in the Czech Republic.

Despite the lack of diversity, the Herring Gulls revealed a good selection of colour rings.  A total of 8 from Skokholm (red), 4 from Skomer (3 green, 1 white), 1 from somewhere in Scotland (white) and 1 from Dublin (red).  Plus a locally ringed Curlew (0E).  I could have stayed there all day!