Friday 10 December 2021

Pembroke Millpond ringed B-H Gull

We noted another ringed black-headed gull at Pembroke Millpond today. This one is not colour-ringed but  has a British (BTO) metal-ring on its right leg with the sequence EA69458. It is a 1CY bird (possibly the first ringed 1CY b-h gull that we have seen there). Over the years that we have been noting them at the millpond, most have been adults that were ringed as adults. We had to take a few photos at various angles to enable the entire sequence to be read, but we've reported it and so hope to get details soon of where and when it was ringed. 

Apart from the usual waterfowl there was not much else of note, other than c.20+ little grebes (probably more) at this good location for them. A single male shoveler, that we first saw in its eclipse/1st winter plumage back in late summer, is now looking much smarter in its male plumage. When ever we see it, it is always in the same small patch of shallow water on the far side of the middle pond.